Category: Health security in a nutshell
Transplantation. Life gift
By Marta Koblańska, January 26/2025, 14:30, Photo: Leomar Lunkes, Pixabay Today we celebrate the Day of Transplantation. It is, so far, the most modern way to save life when you need an other human support. This can come from your closest family, alive person who want to share with you a portion of its body…
Behind the wall. Why sex does not matter
By Marta Koblańska, January 25/2025, 11:15, Photo: Julita, Pixabay What shops in Poland hide from the sight? Some of them school-aged children who instead of learning maths, are trying to escape of their hurt. Work in a grocery takes you to another world. All the sudden you are finding out that law binding in your…
When your body is starving relief. Pain treatment at the edge of life
By Marta Koblańska, Photo: Dmitriy, Pixabay Various civilizations approached differently to people who needed strong care due to their health status. Western civilization is claiming its supreme role in gently transition of human to the end. Palliative care is a kind of new medicine branch and has not been implemented in some countries, yet. Its…
What can heart do on the Earth? Cutting-edge technology saving life in Poland
Joy of prof. Rafał Krenke, the head of Warsaw Medical University and doctors who performed heart transplantation. Photo: Jarosław Kulczycki/WUM A 14-years girl dreams to go to high-school may become true as she received heart on time despite a long way transport. A new perfusion and temperature technology sustained life in the heart for over…
Why are we happy when learn with positive outcomes? Dopamine which opens our minds just like it.
D1R photo-activation in neurons of the dorsomedial striatum combined with two-photon imaging of activity in L5 cortico-striatal projection neurons. Photo: Nuria Vendrell-Llopis, Jonathan Read, University of California, Berkeley Dopamine can modify already set patterns in our brain thus leading to a change of behavior. This neurotransmitter is doing so by activation a certain receptor in…
The key for domestication. Humans’ capability or plant’s domesticability?
Oryginal date of publishing January 15/2025, By Marta Koblańska, Photo: Pixabay Just 15 edible plants provide us 90 percent of calories while a few hundred have been finally domesticated of the thousands of them. Why? The answer might be eligibility for domestication or humans’ limited ability. As state scientists, University of Southampton, UK in the…
Is Poland violating human rights?
Written and published January 17/2025, By Marta Koblańska, Photo: Daniel Reche, Pixabay One of the Polish top psychiatric hospital in Lodz, central Poland, unabled a parcel delivery to its patient demanding an entry fee from services provider. The parcel had been left though in the Polish Post office, just ten blocks from the hospital. On…
Metformin, popular anti-diabetes drug can delay aging
Photo: Temel Aging is an irreversible process of mature organisms. It involves all organs. Now, Chinese scientists claim that metformin, a popular drug for diabetes may reduce symptoms of aging. Biology of each mammal organism is similar. First, in womb form a two-cell zygote, it starts transformation into more and more advanced form till the…
Sleepy history in our hippocampus. How cells in this part of brain recognize outside signals
Surprise is not exactly what people like the most. We tend to assign better character to those we see more responsible for good outcome of interaction. Is the most important for us what we can not see? The recent study proves it might be. Particularly in digesting information from outside environment and during social interactions.…
How single gene may trigger heart attack
One single gene may activate mechanisms responsible for heart attack. An old cure may help. Every second cells building our body divide creating new cells and this is a very complicated process. The major goal of that is to create cells which will maintain functions. The ones already used, you can say, lose their validity…