Category: Sustainability technologies
Are wind farms causing harm to cognitive functioning? Balancing between health and clean energy
Wind turbine, Photo: Viniane6276, Pixabay Wind farms are a substantial source of clean energy needed for green transformation. Is the noise they produce harmful for people and nature or not? Clean energy from various renewables may decrease dependence on fossil fuels as a major energy course. There are several ways to get the so-called green…
The cage of recycling without which industries went damned anyway
By Marta Koblańska, February 4, 15:30, Photo: public, Pixabay Why European Union is in charge of less than 10 percent of global emissions? Because it locates the burden in developing world. Our planet is getting warmer and warmer. Temperatures records and cataclysms show us how tiny we are in the clash with power of nature.…
What’s like with energy?
By Marta Koblańska, February 1/2025, 18:30, Photo: Angeles Balaguer, Pixabay Are fossil fuels passe or not exactly? The newly published studies in ,,Cell Sustainability” call for some limits in energy-dense materials but in the other hand make clear how fossils impact out life. The need for more efficient management of fossils comes due to huge…
Shop your commercial
Here is space for a photo. The offer is directed to companies and think-tanks who want to share their innovations with others. The starting price is PLN 1000 gross. More detailed terms and conditions are available above.
Shop your portrait
Here is space for your photo The offer is directed to politicialns (MPs of Lower and Upper House as well as communities’ leaders or politicians in charge) The price is PLN 1000 gross for a portrait with location in Poland. More detailed terms and conditions are available on the site above.