Photo: Temel
Aging is an irreversible process of mature organisms. It involves all organs. Now, Chinese scientists claim that metformin, a popular drug for diabetes may reduce symptoms of aging.
Biology of each mammal organism is similar. First, in womb form a two-cell zygote, it starts transformation into more and more advanced form till the readiness for living outside mother organism. Some experts say that human fetus has to get through all stages of evolution of vertebrates from fish to human off-spring. Then, outside mother organism it starts to mature and the process ends in brain which becomes ready for abstract thinking after adolescence completes. During this time anabolism which is a building of new cells outweighs katabolism which is cells’ destruction. But during menopause which has a hormone cause, katabolism starts to override anabolism and this is why organs become less and less efficient. This also touches, sooner or later, our brains. Now scientists from multiple institutions from China in cooperation with scientists from the US hold that metformin which is a substance commonly used to cure diabetes type 2 may delay this process. They published their study results in ,,Cell”.
The scientists drove their conclusions from the detailed examination of cynomolgus monkeys. The monkeys, apes in particular are very similar to humans both in physiology and structure. But scientists started from studying analyzes of simpler in evolution tree organisms such as rodents, files and warms. In accordance with these studies, prior administration of metformin in these organisms showed some hints of rejuvenation.
Is this why Chinese look so young?
Although there are more advanced therapies for people with diabetes type 2, still many of them are taking metformin as the drug is very cheap. Diabetes type 2 causes many complications including vessels dysfunction what may lead to blindness or feet problems which may lead even to death. This is why people with this condition apart from strict diet are on pills or injections for a long time. And, what’s more, they often reported during the treatment they felt younger.
Based on the results scientists conducted a study designed specifically to learn more about the drug’s impact on mammalian biological age. Several eldery male cynomologus monkeys were given metformin in the period of 40 months. Before the administration of the drug scientists collected tissue samples from the monkeys’ organs. They collected it also during the study except the brain which has been scanned. Monkeys were also to get thought some physical and mental tests in order to catch on potential changes.
Breaking through outcome?
What are the results? Metformin slowed down the process of aging in many organs including lungs, skin and kidneys. It was the brain that benefited the most form the drug what scientists could see in the cellular level due to modern medical technologies of examination. And all monkeys included in the study saw a slowdown in age-related decline of functions. They even managed to increase activity of their brain and showed results stipulated for monkeys six years younger. Why could it happen? The answer is very simple. Metformin stimulates brain cells to produce a protein called NRF2. This protein is protecting neurons from inflammation which is also seen as a trigger for aging process.
Scientists admit their study is limited to the number of monkeys involved as well as the gender of them. The study included only males. The idea of slowing down the process of aging is also not new. But the results are worth to notice. Modern civilization brought to humans new conditions and diabetes is one of the major examples of it. Metformin can prolong lifespan of these people. Is it capable to delay aging of others? Chinese scientists enhance for longer and lager studies which will involve humans.
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