Joy of prof. Rafał Krenke, the head of Warsaw Medical University and doctors who performed heart transplantation. Photo: Jarosław Kulczycki/WUM
A 14-years girl dreams to go to high-school may become true as she received heart on time despite a long way transport. A new perfusion and temperature technology sustained life in the heart for over 7 hours while the standard is 4.
Olivia, a Polish teenager was born with a heart defect. Her heart managed to work for some time due to treatment offered in Poland. But, in one day, it refused further undertaking its tasks. In September 2024 the girl received an artificial ventricle, however the time of its functioning is limited. The only way to save Olivia’s life turned to be a heart transplant which, if succeeded, can give at least 20-years more on the Earth.
Fluids in the box
Getting a heart for a teenager is a huge challenge due to plenty of medical parameters necessary to match in order to succeed in surgery of transplantation. Polish doctors found such heart in Lithuania. Money collected during the musical concert performed by Sanah in Mrągowo, the capital of thousand lakes county, enabled the heart transport by car. It was possible due to a cutting-edge technology which makes the heart dedicated for transplant alive as it, among all, substantially shortens the time of the organ’s cut from blood and other body fluids. Along with lower temperature in the box heart is placed during transport, this extended time of its ,,fitness” for planned transplantation. Moreover, the machine facilitates a sense of prediction whether the organ is to work in a receiver organism. The solution substantially decreases the risk of its potential rejection in the new body.
Share your life with those who help
The transport by car from Lithuania to Polish Warsaw Medical Centre (Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny) took 7,5 hours. The heart has been grafted to the girl’s chest and undertaken work. The surgery has been performed on January 6, 2025 and Warsaw-based doctors informed about the success on January 20 after making sure Olivia remained in good condition. However, the girl requires further strict rules for her health life along with some limits for her effort. The life gift from Lithuania to Poland was possible in line with European Union Eurotransplant cooperation. The organization, among all, stipulates that, in the case of missing potential organ receiver in the mother-country, the transplant might be scheduled in the other. The technology applied for heart needed by Olivia has the potential to extend the time of organ transport for 12 hours what makes possible life sharing in the entire Europe.
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